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County name: Bligh
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Operating dates:
Type of school Opening date Closing date Half-time partner schools
Provisional School Sep 1869 Apr 1874
Public School May 1874 May 1889
Provisional School Sep 1897 Mar 1898
Public School Apr 1898 Jun 1903
Half-Time School Jun 1903 Jan 1906 TURILL (1)
Public School Feb 1906 May 1910
Half-Time School Jun 1910 Oct 1911 UARBRY (VILLAGE) (2)1
On 22 June 1880 Mr Malcolm Groat was appointed teacher at Uarbry Public School2 .
2 May 1912
The new school was entered on Monday last, the pupils and teacher appreciating the pleasant change. The building is roomy, nicely done out, well ventilated, and with a drop of fresh water in the tanks. Prior to this water had to be carried from the river wells. We are satisfied at last, more especially as the school site is being fenced by Messrs. J. Robbins and J. Robinson, which will enable the work of flower-gardening, tree-planting, etc., to be proceeded with. We are pleased to see the attendance increasing, and hope that the parents will grasp the fact fully that school is the foundation of their children's future lives. A social is being convened for Empire Day in honor of the opening of the new school. Details will be arranged at an early date3
8 April 1914
Department of Lands,
Sydney, 8th April, 1914.
Proposals under section 25, Crown lands Consolidation Act, 1913, in respect of a Public School Site at Uarbry.
WHEREAS I am of opinion that it is expedient in the public interest to resume an area of 2 acres of land at Uarbry, dedicated 13th March, 1877, for Public School, and described in the Schedule hereto: Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, in accordance with the provisions of the 25th section of the Crown Lands Consolidation Act, 1913, that it is proposed to deal with the said land in the manner following, that is to say, - to revoke the dedication of the said area of land heretofore made. Ms. 1914-2,136
Minister for Lands.
Schedule Referred to.
Description of 2 acres of land at Uarbry, dedicated 13th March, 1877, for Public School, the dedication of which it is intended to revoke.
All that piece or parcel of land situate at Uarbry, parish of Nandoura, county of Bligh, and State of New South Wales, containing an area of 2 acres: Commencing at a point bearing south 86 degrees 12 minutes east and distant 5 chains 92 links from the north-east corner of portion 7I; and bounded thence on the north by a line bearing east 5 chains; on the east by a line bearing south 4 chains; on the south by a line bearing west 5 chains; and on the west by a line bearing north 4 chains to the point of commencement, - being portion 116 as shown on plan catalogued P. 255-1,978.4
18 August 1915
1002 Department of Lands,
Sydney, 18th August, 1915.
Proposals under section 25, Crown Lands Consolidation Act, 1913, in respect of a Public School Site at Uarbry.
WHEREAS I am of opinion that it is expedient in the public interest to resume an area of 3 acres of land at Uarbry, dedicated 14th April, 1915, for Public School site, and described in the Schedule hereto: Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, in accordance with the provisions of the 25th section of the Crown Lands Consolidation Act, 1913, that it is proposed to deal with the said land in the manner following, that is to say, - to revoke the dedication of the said area of land heretofore made, and to rededicate the said land for Public School site. Ms. 1915-9,644
Minister for Lands.
Schedule referred to.
Description of 3 acres at Uarbry, dedicated 14th April, 1915, for Public School site, the dedication of which it is intended to revoke, and which it is intended to rededicate for Public School site. All that piece or parcel of land situate at Uarbry, parish of Nandoura, county of Bligh, and State of New South Wales, containing an area of 3 acres: Commencing at a point on the west boundary of portion 112 bearing 180 degrees, and distant 100 links from the north-west corner of that portion; and bounded thence by a line forming part of the west boundary of portion 112 aforesaid bearing south and distant 585 links; by a line bearing west and distant 836 links to the south-eastern side of a road 100 links wide; by lines forming south-eastern and southern sides of that road bearing 47 degrees 49 minutes and distant 871.2 links, and 90 degrees and distant 190.4 links respectively, to the point of commencement. Plan B. 4,066-1,570.5
11 April 1935
THE Education Department has called tenders, for pulling down, removing and rebuilding the old school-building at Uarbry, to six miles north of Leadville. This school building was erected over 50 years ago by the people of Uarbry south and, some years after, was removed to the Uarbry village by the Department. It is not considered an opportune time on the part of the Education Department to remove the building as there are children growing up who, in a few years, will require educational facilities. This fact, no doubt, will cause the Department to rebuild. Also, the school room belongs to the Uarbry people who built it first over 50 years ago6