School name: Tallawang (upper)
Other name: * Tallawang Upper from 1884 to 1892
County name: Bligh
Location note:
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Operating dates:
Type of school Opening date Closing date
Public School May 1881 Apr 1926
Public School Oct 1930 Sep 19411
21 August 1941
Teacher Enlisted
RECENTLY, Mr. E. Reynolds, teacher at the Tallawang Public School, enlisted, and the school was closed.
Mr. W. F. Dunn, M.L.A., has been advised as follows by the Minister for Education (Mr. Clive Evatt):-
“In response to your personal representations on behalf of Mr. W. A. Graham, hon, secretary, Tallawang Parents and Citizens' Association, via Gulgong, relative to the reopening of the local Public school, I desire to state that a teacher will be appointed to this school as early as possible. It is pointed out, however, that the enrolment at this school is very low and it will be necessary for the parents to make a strong effort to improve the attendance if the school is to remain in operation. As you are aware, a minimum average attendance of nine pupils is stipulated for a departmental school.2