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30 December 1948
Beetle Makes War on Weed
MUDGEE, Wednesday: A beetle which has cleared the noxious weed, St. John's Wort from many wild areas of grazing and farm lands in South Australia is also doing excellent work in the Mudgee, and Rylstone districts.
Landholders are so pleased with the small insect's efforts that arrangements have been made with the CSIR to supply the Mid western County Council with an additional 250,000 of the beetles for liberation in new colonies of noxious weeds. The beetle attacks and destroys only St. John's Wort. The weeds officer of the County Council (Mr. Ken. Watt) says that farmers in the Gulgong and Cudgegong Shires are doing splendid work in the campaign to destroy large areas of skeleton weed1 .