6 January 1955
Plans Going Ahead for Rylstone Swimming Pool
The committee committed to further matters in connection with the proposed Rylstone swimming pool recently wrote to the Minister of Works requesting a Government Grant to help defray construction costs.
A reply has been received and the following is an excerpt from it:-
“I wish to advise you that my engineers have investigated this matter and the various aspects have been considered. I would point out that any contribution towards the cost of the swimming pool would be on the condition that the plans and specifications meet with the approval of the Department of Public Works. Also, it would be necessary that an unpoluted water supply would be available during the swimming season to ensure a turnover of three times daily and that the water be chlorinated as required by the Department of Public Health.
“If the quantity of water be insufficient it would be necessary to instal a water filtration plant in addition.”
The committee thinks it may be possible to use the town supply and thereby reduce the initial cost whilst complying with the Government regulations concerning such pools. It has therefore resolved to request the Shire Council to draw up estimates for the construction of a cement pool in the park away from the river.
Money is still being collected for the pool, and so far about £450 has been donated. The pool fund at present is in credit approximately £2,0001
14 January 1970
$500 Grant for Rylstone Swim Pool Repairs
Rylstone Shire Council has been offered a grant of $500 for the relief of flood damage at the Rylstone Swimming area.
The grant will be made subject to the council contributing at least an equal amount.
If the full $1000 is not required, the excess will probably be used to improve the area.
The Minister for Local Government (Mr. P. H. Morton) suggested this when announcing the grant.
He told the Member for Bathurst (Mr. Osborne) that the council’s major request for flood relief had been put to the Public Works Department.
“Assistance is made available to councils by the Department of Public Works from C.A.R. funds for the repair to roads damaged by floods,” he said.
“I understand that the Department is at present considering an application submitted by the Rylstone Shire Council.”
He said he had taken the opportunity of referring Mr. Osborne’s representations to Mr. David Hughes, for consideration and reply2