31 October 1918
Sub-Committee of Rylstone Shire Repatriation Committee. Meeting in Kandos.
The above sub-committee met in the Angus Memorial Hall on Wednesday, October 23. Mr. Chetwynd Jones, was unanimously elected chairman. Mr. Jones explained that the object of calling the meeting was to devise ways and means of raising funds for War Chest Day, Soldiers Dependents' Day. Jack's Day, and France's Day. Mr. F. S. Richards spoke in eulogistic terms, of the work done in the past by local effort for the Soldiers' Comfort Fund, the amount of having been raised, and £195 for other purposes, including the Red Cross, War Chest Fund, France's Day, etc. He said, "Kandos has done magnificently well in comparison with other districts. He suggested as an outsider that Kandos should have a fete day in Rylstone, and that town should be pitted against town in the various events so as to arouse enthusiasm. At this stage Mr. A. P. Meany asked if he was correct in assuming from Mr. Richards' remarks that he was not a member of the Kandos Sub-committee of the Rylstone Shire Repatriation Committee. Mr. Richards said that was quite right.
Mr. A. P. Meany then proposed Mr. F. S. Richards as a member. Mr. J. Mason seconded the proposition which was carried unanimously.
Mr. C. P. Hansen proposed Mr. A. B. Kempster, the Kandos representative of the Mudgee ''Guardian." as a new member. Mr. J. Mason seconded the nomination, which was carried.
Mr J. Mason proposed Mrs. Thos. Lloyd, Miss Langevad, and Miss Alice M. Lloyd as new members. Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, which was also carried.
Mr. F. S. Richards then moved his former suggestion as a definite motion in the following terms: "That we as a committee appoint a sub-committee to go to Rylstone on Wednesday next, and arrange with the Rylstone Repatriation Committee for a friendly competition between the two towns for certain events." Mr. Jackson seconded the motion.
Mr. Kempster suggested a fete day in Kandos, Rylstone representatives to be invited to contest certain events at Kandos, and at the same time Kandos representatives be sent to Rylstone to compete in the Rylstone sports.
Mr. Richards pointed out that there was no suitable sports ground in Kandos, and that it might lessen the enthusiasm of the people to split the sports up into different sections held in various places.
His motion was subsequently carried unanimously.
A sub-committee was then appointed to confer with the Rylstone Repatriation Committee. The gentlemen elected were Mr. F. S. Richards, Mr. Chetwynd Jones, Mr. J. Mason, Mr. T. H. Lloyd (secretary), and Mr. Jackson.
It was decided that it be a recommendation to the sub-committee to suggest to the Rylstone Committee that a tug of war, loans race, and queens competition be held between competitors representing Kandos and Rylstone.
It was further resolved that the secretary write to the secretary of the Rylstone Committee informing them of the business transacted at the meeting, and arranging to confer with the Rylstone Committee on Wednesday, October 28. The sub-committee appointed will report the result of this conference to a general meeting to be held in Kandos at an early date1