
History: Rylstone Rainsfords

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17 January 1955
Water Piping Demonstration at Local Field Day
“A revolutionary method of laying polythene water piping by mole plough will be demonstrated in the Rylstone area on Thursday, January 20,” announces Mr. G. Ireland, of Imperial Chemical industries.
The demonstration will be given at Rainford’s (Rylstone) field day held at “Rawdon,” the property of Mr. J. K. Kerr.
“It is possible to lay 500 ft. of ¾in. Piping from a coil to a depth of about 12 in. in twenty minutes,” says Mr. Ireland. “The economy achieved in labour costs, and the fact that the piping has a life of thirty years are salient points to this new water reticulation aid.”
Post mortem examination of sheep for worm infestation, the proper use of drenches, and low volume weed killing equipment with power takeoff and gear pumps will also be demonstrated.
Later at 8 p.m. in the Memorial Hall, films will be shown. They will cover such problems as worms in sheep, weed killing, water reticulation and the use of perspex in farm buildings. Admission will be free.
This show will be repeated at Mudgee in the C.W.A. Hall the following evening at 8 p.m1 .

20 January 1955
See Rainfords First
(J. D. Rainford and N. I. Howard)
(Box 1, ‘Phone 1. Opp. Post Office)
Hardware Department.-
Stainless Steel Sinks & Laundry Tubs.
Laminex Kitchen Settings.
Paint Department.-
Refrigerators (Electric and Kerosene).
Radios (Electric and Battery).
Toasters, Irons, Jugs.
Fans, Floor Polishers, Food Mixers.
Women’s Department.-
Nylon Slips, from .. .. .. .. .. .. 39/11
2-Piece Celachene Sets, from . .. 31/6
Nightdresses, from .. .. .. .. . .. 39/-
Special to 29th January Only:
Children’s Singlets, Sizes 2 to 10.
Women’s Nylon Pantees.
Both lines too good to miss at Special Reduced Prices.
Shoe Department.-
Men’s, Women’s & Children’s Sand Shoes.
Men’s Work Boots, Ladies’ Shoes.
Stock Department.-
All Drenches, Licks, Drenching Guns
I.C.I. Selective Weedkillers2 .


1 Mudgee Guardian, Monday 17 January 1955, p. 5.
2 Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 20 January 1955, p. 11.


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