
History: Rylstone Loowee Station

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8 September 1857
RAMS for SALE. - Between 300 and 400 aged Rams. They are very fine in the wool, and from the flock of Archibald Walker, Esq , Loowee, whose wool last season brought a very high price. Apply to HENRY W. BLOMFIELD, Esq., J.P., Loowee, Rylstone1 .


5 May 1859
FOR SALE, 5000 fine-wooled EWES, the last clip of which brought 25d. (twenty-five pence); of ages from 2½ years old to 6½, all in good condition. To be delivered at Loowee. 20 miles from Mudgee. Apply to H. W. BLOMFIELD, Esq., Loowee, by Rylstone2 .


22 May 1860
MESSRS. RAYMOND and CO. have received instructions to offer for sale by private contract, the well known station of LOOWEE, situated about twenty-five miles from Mudgee and ten miles from Rylstone; also the first-class fattening run, GUMMING GUMMING, in the district of Bligh, which has been worked to great advantage with the "Loowee" station.
With these stations will be sold 22,900 sheep (more or less as per specification), and 1000 head of mixed cattle.
827ewes, mixed ages
824 ditto, 5 and 6 years old
1646 ditto, 4 to 5 ditto
820 ditto, 3 to 4 ditto
828 ditto, 2 ditto
1051 ditto, 1 ditto
2159 ditto, hoggets
1056 ewes and wethers, mixed
829 ditto, 3 years
2195 ditto, 2 ditto
1075 ditto, I ditto
955 wethers, 4 years
1241 ditto, 3 ditto
1041 ditto, 2 ditto
983 ditto, 1 ditto
612 ditto, all ages
2164 ditto, hoggets
830 ditto, 3 years
888 ditto, 2 ditto
740 ditto, 1 ditto
238 rams
28,100 more or less.
The sheep are mostly pure Saxon, and very fine wool.
At Loowee there are about 8000 acres of purchased land; and the improvements consist of a cottage of three room, large building with four rooms, used as a store, and an overseer's dwelling, woolshed, large barn, partly brick, and wood, all the foregoing are shingled; new stable of iron bark, containing five stalls and two loose boxes. Grass and cultivated paddocks, all fenced, containing in the aggregate about 600 acres. Drays, carts and stores, ploughs, and other implements; in fact everything requisite for the purpose of working a first-class station. At Gumming Gumming the improvements consist of stockman's hut, new stockyard of ironbark, capable of working 2000 head of cattle; there are three splendid wells and two dams. This station is known to be one of the very best fattening stations in the district.
For further particulars, apply at Treasury Buildings, George-street, Sydney3 .


2 February 1861
FOR SALE, 5000 WETHERS, from 3 to 3 years old; and 2000 Maiden EWES. Apply to H. W. BLOMFIELD, Loowee, near Rylstone4 .


1 Advertising (1857, September 8). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved April 9, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13000394
2 Advertising (1859, May 5). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved April 9, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13024550
3 Advertising (1860, May 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved April 9, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13040845
4 Advertising (1861, February 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved April 9, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13052057


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