9 July 1904
324 Department of Lands,
Sydney, 9th July, 1904.
IT is hereby notified, for public information, that, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Trusts Act, 1897, His Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to approve of the appointment of the undermentioned gentlemen as Trustees respectively of the portions of land hereinafter particularised, namely: -
Reserve No. 37,372 at Running Stream, county of Roxburgh, parish of Hearne, area 9 acres 2 roods 15 perches, notified 12th March, 1904, for Public Recreation:-
Messrs. David Robert Howard.
Alfred Charles Davis. James Oliver.
William Leighton, junior.
Ernest Alfred Howard. David Brown.
George Tindall.
Ms. 1904-5,343 Ind. E. W. O'SULLIVAN1