On 28 January 1905 David Robert Howard was living at Hiawatha, Running Stream1 .
21 March 1912
£6000 for 100 Acres
Value of Orchard Lands.
Mr. D. R. Howard, has just disposed of his "Hiawatha," orchard, at Running Stream, to a big Sydney fruit firm for £6000. The area sold comprises 100 acres, and includes the orchard, and homestead. Mr. Howard has still 540 acres on which to build another home and orchard. He does not intend to sever his connection with the Running Stream district, which is, in his opinion, one of the best in the State for fruit growing2
27 March 1912
It is reported that Mr. D. R. Howard has disposed of his Hiawatha orchard, at Running Stream, to a big Sydney fruit firm, for £6000. The area sold comprises 100 acres, and includes the orchard and the homestead. Mr. Howard has still 550 acres, and he does not intend to sever his connection with the Running Stream district, which, in his opinion, is one of the best in the State for fruit-growing3