History: Olinda Inglewood

Preview of version: 2


4 March 1948 Grace Margaret Franks of Cunninger, New South Wales, transferred the following portions to Douglas Yates for £1082:
Portion 51 Parish Kelgoola County Phillip 360 ac
Portion 66 Parish Kelgoola County Phillip 170 ac 1 rd
Portion 76 Parish Kelgoola County Phillip 150 ac
Portion 80 Parish Kelggola County Phillip 320 ac
Portion 84 Parish Kelgoola County Phillip 82 ac1


4 June 1959 Douglas Yates became the proprietor of an Estate in Fee Simple in an undivided one half share in those pieces of land in the Shire of Rylstone Parish Kelgoola County Phillip being:
Portion 30, 65, 75, and 79. Total area 361 acres. Excepting thereout the road and the mineral reserved by the Crown grantsFOOTNOTE()}NSW Land Registry Services https://hlrv.nswlrs.com.au/ Vol 7702 Fol 245{FOOTNOTE}.


1 NSW Land Registry Services https://hlrv.nswlrs.com.au/ Book 2046 No 694


Information Version
2022-11-23 19:51 admin 4
2022-11-23 19:51 admin 3
2022-11-22 20:20 admin 1959 2
2022-11-22 16:19 admin 1948 1