School name: Munmurra Lower
Other name: -
County name: Bligh
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Operating dates:
Type of school Opening date Closing date Half-time partner schools
House to House School Jul 1888 Dec 1888
House to House School Sep 1889 Jun 1891
Half-Time School Jan 1889 Aug 1889 WILLY WALLY
Half-Time School Jul 1891 Jun 1907 COLLAROY
Half-Time School Sep 1907 May 1911 MUNMURRA (BROOK)
House to House School Sep 1912 Feb 1913
Half-Time School May 1921 Dec 1925 MUNMURRA (BROOK)1
11 September 1902
Lower Munmurra School.
Mr. J. C. L. Fitzpatrick, M.L.A., is in receipt of the following letter : - Referring to your letter dated 2nd July last, forwarding a communication from T. P. Lennox and other residents of Lower Munmurra, requesting that the half-time school at that place may be removed to another site, I have the honor to inform you that, having considered a report upon the matter, the Minister of Public Instruction has approved of the position of the school mentioned being changed to the site agreed upon by the residents, upon condition that the parents, at their oivn expense, provide a suitable building and two out-offices for the school. I am to add that Mr. H. Dray, the owner of the existing school building, will not consent to its removal2