
History: Mudgee Town Hall Hotel

Preview of version: 3 (current)


4 October 1923
Country Hotel's Comfort MUDGEE, Thursday.
The local Licensing Magistrate (Mr. Prior) is determined to raise the standard of accommodation and comfort in country hotels, "Fewer hotels and better ones," is his ideal. In dealing with improvements submitted for his approval in connection with the Town Hall Hotel, Mr. Prior made it clear that he regarded the installation of a hot-water service as a necessity. The plea of the architect that this innovation would involve great expense had little effect, the magistrate remarking that hotel proprietors must now be prepared to spend more money, as their number had been reduced. They would be compensated by new trade. He did not like bath-heaters. They caused trouble and inconvenience, and were often kept under lock and key. He would pass the improvements submitted in this instance, but the installation of a hot-water service would probably be insisted upon in future1 .


23 April 1937
Wm. Henry Langbridge 1.1.20.
Thos. Edwin Simmonds 5.3.20.
William David Borthwick 27.5.21.
Henry John Fox 2.8.22.
Herbert Francis Jamieson 29.9.22.
Michael McMahon 28.2.25.
Harry Smith 10.5.26.
John Bourke 13.9.28.
Albert John Lord 18.12.33.
Mrs. W. H. Langbridge Exoy. late WH Langbridge
Sub-Lessee - Booth Licenses
27-28/1/25, 10/12 (2), 9-10/4/26, 16/10/26, (1) 1/1/27, 26/2, 3-5/3, 1-2/5/28, 5/5, 19/5, 2 & 4/6, 16/6/28, 7/7, 11/8, 7-8/9, 13/12/(2), 13/1/34, 1-5.5.34, 1-2-5.3.35, 3.4.35 (2), 13-14.6.35.
Mudgee Building & Investment Society Mudgee 1.1.20.
A.C. Wade, Federal Brewery Mudgee (by lessee) ℅ B. J. Heavener, Mudgee.
Solicitor, 2 Castlereagh St. City. 10.8.23.
28/9/25. Appln. To make Alterns.- Granted.
27/1/28. - Appn. Order 40A - No Order made.
16/1/28. - Appn. to make Material Alterns. To Bar - Granted. Complete by 1 month - (Cost £30)
15/7/29. Appn. Material Alterations. Granted - Complete by 6 months (Cost £300)
19.8.29. Appn. Material Alterations Granted. Complete by 1 month. Approx. Cost £5.
18.8.36. Order made 40A - 4 mths. To complete.
1.12.36. Mat. Alters. Appd. - Approved £200 - To be complete by 28.2.37.
23.4.37. Permit Sect. 57A. Granted2 .


1 HOT WATER=SERVICE (1923, October 4). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 11 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved May 11, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article222684581
2 NRS-9522-1-3/7886-660 | Hotel - Town Hall, Mudgee, Wammerawa 01-01-1920 to 23-04-1937


Information Version
2024-05-11 08:07 Rhonda 1923 3
2023-09-30 16:59 Rhonda 1937 2
2023-01-27 11:37 admin Page Setup 1