15 February 1937
Estate of Edward Wooley, Burrundulla, Mudgee 1/1/20
Executor - Horace Wooley
Tooth & Co.
A. C. Wade & D Arcey, Federal Brewery, Mudgee Wine & Spirit Merchants, Sydney.
George Arthur Gentle 1/1/20
(for the executors late M. Grady)
Ernest Winter & James Leiven
John Fitzsimmons 5/3/20
Laura May Green 19/6/22
Ada Hendy 16/5/23
Edward Alfred Devlin (dec’d) 11/6/23
Ethel Mary Devlin (carrying on business) 16/11/23
Gordon Seaton Luscombe 12/9/24
Henry Langford 25/5/25
George Augustus Maloney 19/6/26
Dennis Bowler 15/2/37
28/1/27. Order 40A made - Complete by 8 months. Cost £900.
25/2/29. Application to make Material Alterations- Granted - Complete by 1/5/29. Approx. Cost £294.
16/4/34. 3 months leave of absence granted to G. A. Maloney.
1/10/34. 3 months leave of absence granted - G. A. Maloney.
1/1/35. 3 months leave of absence granted - G. A. Maloney1
20 January 1938
THE well-known Sydney Hotel has changed hands, the new proprietor being Mr. A. K. Howlett, who comes with the reputation of being a good citizen and keen sport. The transfer of the licence from Mr. D. Bowler was but through at the Licensing Court this morning2 .