
History: Mudgee Robert Oatley Vineyards

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Robert Oatley Vineyards
Craigmoor Road, Mudgee, NSW 2850 Region Mudgee T (02) 6372 2208 F (02) 9433 0456 robertoatley.com.au Open 7 days 10– 4 Winemaker James Manners, Chris Hancock, Larry Cherubino, Trent Nankivell Est. 2006 Cases NFP Vyds 461.83 ha Robert Oatley Vineyards is the venture of the Oatley family, previously best known as the owners of Rosemount Estate until it was sold to Southcorp. The chairman is Bob Oatley; the new venture is run by son Sandy, with considerable hitting power added by deputy executive chairman Chris Hancock. Wild Oats, as anyone with the remotest interest in yachting and the Sydney– Hobart Yacht Race will know, has been the name of Bob Oatley’s racing yachts. The family has long owned vineyards in Mudgee, but the new business has been rapidly expanded by the acquisition of the Montrose winery, the Craigmoor cellar door and restaurant, and vineyards spread across Mudgee. The family has completed a $10 million upgrade of the Montrose winery. The recruitment of Larry Cherubino as a consultant has given the business a major foothold in the southern regions of WA, resulting in east-meets-west regional blends, and also single-region wines. While there is a plethora of wines, stripped to its essentials, the portfolio is easy to understand: at the bottom, James Oatley Tic Tok ($18); next Wild Oats ($18); then Robert Oatley ($26– 28); and at the top, Robert Oatley Family, with three prices1 .


1 Halliday, James. James Halliday Wine Companion 2011, Hardie Grant Books, 2010, p. 1004. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/slnsw/detail.action?docID=699014. Created from slnsw on 2023-08-15 09:36:44


Information Version
2024-12-26 17:15 admin 2020 3
2024-01-20 19:53 admin 2010 2
2023-08-15 19:38 admin 2011 1