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24 October 1896
24 October 1896
W. L. Nicholson, baker, confectioner, and steam biscuit manufacturer, takes a leading place in his line of business. Settling in Mudgee in 1865 he established in a small way, launching out with, or rather always in advance of the district's progress. About 1885 he added steam power to his biscuit, bread, and confectionery plant, which is of the most complete description, and it may be said that the establishment commands a very large proportion of the trade. The biscuit list includes Abernethys, captains, nicnacs, coffees, picnics, arrowroots, kings, Derbys, lemons, and other varieties, of the very finest flavor and quality. Every kind of pastry and confectionery is manufactured, but the proprietor specially prides himself upon wedding cakes. He has turned out some "boomers," too, in the lavish times. Mudgee's chief caterer has now attached to his business a light refreshment room furnished in the very latest fashion, where the best attention is given to his numerous patrons1
23 September 1899
Nowadays, machinery finds its way into all trades, and a saving of time and labour must follow. Bread-making, however, has perhaps withstood the march of progress in this respect more than any other industry, but a change is gradually coming over the scene, as it were. Now biscuit-making by machinery is the novelty in country towns. Mr. W. L. Nicholson's establishment is the only one out-side Sydney and suburbs, excepting Goulburn and Newcastle, where machinery plays an important part in manufacturing an item in the "staff of life." Having started in Mudgee 33 years ago, Mr. Nicholson's trade increased to such an extent that he determined some years ago to embark on a more extensive concern, and introduce machinery into his business. Needless to say, the innovation has proved a great success. The premises, situate in the main street, in which the business is conducted are commodious. In one room on the floor at the rear a large stock of flour is kept. The biscuit manufacturing machinery is also placed on the floor. Ihe dough for biscuits, after being mixed, is put through a brake, and after being thoroughly broken, is put through a smaller brake, and lastly through a third brake, being carried on to the rollers, after which a canvas web catches it, and is thus conveyed to the cutters. Two large ovens are worthy of notice, as an important part of an establishment like Mr. Nicholson's. The premises have a bright and attractive appearance, and in the windows are displayed delicate dainties, such as chocolates, cakes, biscuits, pastry, and other dainties for which the proprietor is held in high favour, Banquets, balls, and parties are catered for in first class style. In connection with this business are cosy refreshment-rooms, in which are neatly arranged tables, where smartly-dressed waitresses supply "the cup which cheers but not inebriates.2
1 June 1900
24 December 1900
Christmas Reminders
Mr. W. L. Nicholson, of Market street, is very busy getting out orders for Christmas cakes. The stock of fancy lollies, &c., is most beautiful and varied. Orders for Christmas cakes should at once be sent along3
14 December 1905
Christmas Cakes.
Nicholson's bakery is adding to its already large output, as Christmas is approaching, by the manufacture of an enormous stock of Christmas cakes. These are carefully made of the best materials procurable, and those requiring the delicacy should apply early, as the couple of tons made for the season are rapidly disappearing4
21 December 1905
W. L. Nicholson's Bakery Establishment.
For 41 years the above has supplied Mudgee with bread. When Mr. W. L. Nicholson, sen., founded the business he was content with small beginnings, and it seems almost incredible to believe that at that time the number of his customers necessitated the use of only 25lbs of flour per week. Now the consumption averages 4½ tons for same period, and the products from the pastry and confectionery departments are sent 100 miles afield. The firm enjoys the honor of having on one occasion, been patronised by vice-regality, in the person of Lord Jersey, who once, during his governorship of this State, visited Mudgee and purchased a parcel of cheese cakes at the old establishment. He resigned his position shortly afterwards and went to England, but Mr. Nicholson, jun., informed us that he did not leave this State on the score of ill-health which speaks volumes for the quality of the cheese cakes and the constitution of his Lordship. Just at present Nicholson's have on hand a stock of splendid Christmas cakes made on the premises of the best materials procurable5
20 December 1906
W. L. Nicholson's Bakery.
Bread is the staff of life, and the manufacturer thereof - when he turns out the article supplied by the above firm - is a man to be respected. More than 40 years ago, when Mudgee was in its youth, Nicholson's bakery distributed its crisp loaves with the rising of each sun. The choicest joints, the lordly roast, the succulent baby pig, the appetising ham, the mysterious sausage, would all be uninviting without bread. It stands supreme, and Nicholsons know how to prepare it to suit the general palate. In addition to their bakery business, Nicholson's occupy first place as caterers, their operations in this connection often extending beyond the confines of the district. Just at present Christmas cakes are being turned out with astonishing rapidity, and just as quickly these are being disposed of. Yes, the firm has a good record and a long one, and upon both facts the 'Guardian' extends its congratulations6