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22 September 2023
Scott hangs up the guitar and farewells Mudgee Music
It has been a journey of self discovery, a love for music and most of all love, but Scott Goodkin is hanging up the guitar and saying goodbye to the Mudgee Music Shop he and his partner Barb - as well as their dog Milo - have owned for six-and-a-half years.
James Adlmayer is the new owner, having taken the keys on September 13 and for him, owning Mudgee Music is a dream fulfilled. James was a landscaper for 28 years in the Sydney area and ever since he was young had always wanted to own a music store.
"I'd had enough of Sydney so I decided to come out here and see if I could get a block of land... As you do you have a bit of a walk around and I saw the sign in the window and it all happened from there," James said.
"This is my dream job, to work in a guitar shop... Dream doesn't even begin to describe it."
"He James came in the door, he goes, 'Is it true you guys are for sale?' I said, 'Yeah.' He goes, 'I'll buy it.' Just like that. No hesitation. No, let's sit down and do the numbers and let's go through all this bulls**t. Just - I'll do it," former owner Scott Goodkin said.
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Comparing the business as a three-stage rocket, Scott said their tenure was just stage one - he got the rocket to the edge and James is the one who will take it to space.
"I really looked at it as it was my mission to bring music to Mudgee, to bring the culture of music to Mudgee and bring the availability of music to Mudgee," Scott said.
"I can only be humble and say, 'wow, Barb and I - and Milo, we did a good job.' We did the need and the community had the need and therefore we just we we made sure that what we started was a good thing for the community."
James said he loves the way the shop is and doesn't plan to make any major changes.
"If it the business wasn't going to work out it wouldn't be here anymore. It's going along very well and I intend to keep it that way," James said1 .