1 June 1900
Adam wore but little clothing.
Fig leaves however, are out of date; besides the sylvan toga of our respected ancestors would scarcely suffice to combat with the stern climatic conditions now being manifested in our midst.
McKessar’s Clothing
Is thoroughly up-to-date, and in addition to possessing the virtues of Cheapness, Durability and Style, ranks high as a defier of that wicked wanderer, Influenza, his cousin a piercing wind, his twin brother a keen nipping air and his neighbour Mr. Frost.
High-Class Tailoring
Made to order at lower prices than ever quoted in the trade.
Carlyle says in his Philosophy on Clothes, that “Man is by the tailor new-created into a Nobleman, and clothed not only in wool but with dignity and a mystic dominion.” No better exponent of the Tailor’s Art will be found than the Economic House.
Clothing Department
Under New Mannagement.
We wish to advise our numerous clientele that we have been fortunate in securing the services of Mr. R. J. Connor (late of Messrs. Thompson, Gates & Co., the well-known popular city tailor), who will devote his undivided attention to his growing department. Mr. Connor comes to us with first-class credentials, his knowledge of the clothing trade in all its ramifications is both wide and varied, and customers favouring us with their orders can rely upon obtaining a perfect fit and stylish cut at lowest possible prices.
SUITS TO ORDER in Bannockburn Tweeds, Cheviots, West of Englands, winter weight serges and sergerettes, Fancy Checks, Stripes, Flakes, Viennas, Overchecks, Fancy Worsted, &c., &c., 37s 6d, 42s 6d, 45s, 50s, 55s, 57s 6d.
Trousers to order in same materials, 10s 6d, 13s 6d, 14s 9d, 16s 6d, 18s 6d.
Covert Coats and Chesterfields, to order, in Beaver Cloths, Meltons, Venetians, &c., &c.
Macintosh Coats to order, deep cape, double-sewn taped seams, 17s 6d, 21s, 22s 6d, 27s 6d.
McKessar’s Economic House,
Market Street,
Exchange Corner1