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10 January 1955
Newcomer to Ram Sales
A newcomer to the Orange Ram Sales this year will be the Kaludabah Merino Stud, Mudgee, which will offer a team of some ten flock rams, specially selected two-years off, shorn first week April. Of pure Bundemar blood, they are a nice even group, well sprung and particularly well grown. One of Kaludabah’s top sires is Charles 1st by 5.13; 0.72; 8.30; King Charles, Grand Champion, Sydney6
20 January 1955
Fire At “Kaludabah”
About mid-day yesterday a fire broke out in a stubble paddock at “Kaludabah” Station, the property of Messrs. Loneragan, of Mudgee, and fanned by a strong wind it quickly spread over a large area.
Bush Fire Brigades from Cullenbone and Piambong were summoned, and worked all afternoon in terrific heat, to control the blaze.
Temperatures reached over 140 degrees in the vicinity of the fire.
However, sheer grit told in the long run, and by nightfall the configuration was under control.
Destroyed were over 300 acres of rough timber country and half a mile of posts and fencing7
3 June 1959
Yesterday's market for merino rams at the annual stud sheep sales contrasted sharply with the spirited demand and high prices on the opening day on Monday.
The highest price yesterday was 2,200 guineas, paid by E. H. Loneragan, of Kaludabah, Mudgee, for a Bundemar ram offered by the Estate of the late F. E. Body.
This compared with 3,700 guineas for the top-priced Haddon Rig ram on the opening day.
The Bundemar ram was one of a team of four special stud rams which realised 5,400 guineas and averaged 1,350 guineas.
He was a two-and-a-half-year-old medium-wool sire, with _a good head and massive frame.
Although the average price for rams was considerably higher than that for the corresponding time last year, yesterday's market showed definite signs of weakness8 .
16 June 2016
Wagyu bulls sell to $10,000 at Kaludabah
Wagyu bulls told to $10,000 at Kaludabah Wagyu Stud's first on-property bull sale on Thursday, June 9.
Seventy bulls were offered for sale at the property, attracting buyers from as far afield as Queensland and Victoria.
Elders Mudgee livestock manager Phil Davis said the sale achieved a high clearance rate.
Four bulls achieved the top price of $10,000. The average price for the sale was just under $8000.
Kaludabah Wagyu owners Rick and Dawn Hunter were excited by the success of the sale and are planning to hold another sale next year, Mr Davis said.
Mr Davis said the prices paid reflected the high demand and exceptionally strong market for Wagyu cattle, as well as the exceptional presentation of the Kaludabah livestock9
10 January 1987
Kaludabah, Mudgee: This cattle and sheep station is being sold under a Lot Ownership arrangement. Its 1,702 hectares are divided into 18 freehold title lots but the property will continue to operate as a single, separately managed enterprise. Buyers are entitled to use all the facilities and stay at the 90 square homestead, three bedroom pioneer's cottage or six bedroom jackaroo's quarters. A staff consisting of a live-in housekeeper and full-time cook runs these establishments. The rural business of Kaludabah is the province of Agricultural Technologists of Australasia which also controls New Haven Park, another rural property based on a similar scheme. Lot prices range from $142,000 to $412,000 and include all expenses for five years by which time it is hoped buyers will begin to receive return on their investment10