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The Hospital probably makes up by the useful for lack of the ornamental, its supply of the latter being small. t has been built fourteen years, and contains five wards, the number of patients at present is eleven, and sometimes amounts to fifteen and seventeen. Mr. Thomas Wesley is the Superintendent1 .
30 October 1880
24 October 1896
6 September 1905
12 July 2001
__New wThe official opening on Tuesday of the new Tilcote Ward at Mudgee Hospital by Minister for Health, Craig Knowles is a direct result of a generous bequeathment almost 100 years ago.
In 1907, James Dalrymple Cox bequeathed the farm "Tilcote", situated on the productive river flats near Mudgee, to the local hospital.
Over the years the farm has provided rental to the hospital and following special permission from the Attorney General was sold in recent years to enable stage 2 of the Mudgee Hospital redevelopment to be extended to include extra facilities.
Mr Knowles said that it was fitting that the new ward was named after the original property.
"It is also pleasing to see that the descendants of the Cox family are able to be here at the opening," he said, calling them forward to take part in the unveiling of the plaque.
"This man had the foresight to set aside his property for the good of the community and so to James and his family descendants we say thank you."
The new ward contains a close observation unit, a refurbished and much improved high dependency unit (which no longer doubles as a recovery ward), a designated foyer area, rooms with private facilities, and more bathrooms for patients.
During his address, Mr Knowles also paid tribute to the Hospital Auxiliary and local businesses who contributed $54,000 in furnishings.
"Congratulations to the men and women of the local hospital auxiliary - one of the most energetic in the State," he observed.
"Finally, a special thank you to the staff of Mudgee Hospital. The work you do is not often acknowledged, but always appreciated.
"The money that has gone into the refurbishment is not worth a bumper without the dedication of the staff," he said.
"Today is one of those great days where people have come together to celebrate this special day. May the Tilcote Ward be a special place for all who use it3 ."