
History: Mudgee Historical Society

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12 August 1970

Old ambulance will be kept in Mudgee
An offer of $500 for an old 1928 Packard Ambulance has been refused, so that it can be given to the Mudgee Museum.

Museum 3
The offer was made by the Packard Car Club, but Mudgee Ambulance authorities decided the vehicle would stay in the town, and be given to the Mudgee Historical Society.
At the last meeting of the Society, members were told that some response had been received to their newsletter “The Muse”.
The bound issue of the diary of the late Ernie Hume, will cost $25, and will be ready between September and October.
The Cudgegong Shire has indicated its interest in purchasing a copy for display in the Gulgong Municipal Library.
The Mudgee High School Interact Club has shown interest in the Museum and is prepared to form working bees for any work needed at the Museum.
It was decided that the building committee will oversee the activities of the club.
It is hoped that some new members to the Society will be gained through Interact’s interest in the Museum.
Many offers of objects for the Museum have been made, but the society has found it difficult to arrange transport for these items.
Items include a wool wagon, a Mudgee press, a steam engine, and a kerosene engine.
The old school bus at Windeyer has been offered, and a plough used in construction of the Mudgee railway has come to the Society’s notice.
Old gas lamps, tripods and teaching aids have been uncovered during renovations at the Mudgee Primary School.
More bench-type stools have been offered from the Budgee School.
Tenders for painting the Museum have been submitted and the Society has decided to seek help from the National Trust’s architect.
Old photos and an old “Guardian” have been lent to the “Mudgee Guardian” for copying for the Sesqui-Centenary.
The Society would like the Municipal Council to reconsider its decision about the Mayoral and Council furniture, whose preservation appears in jeopardy because of the proposed renovations of the Town Hall.
This furniture has an important bearing in Mudge’s history.
It was proposed that First, Second and Third Streets be renamed during the Sesqui-Centenary celebrations after Michael Lahey, who figured prominently in changing Mudgee’s location to the present site instead of the river flats near 2MG.
The next meeting of the Society will be on August 17, and will be a social meeting1 .


Information Version
2023-02-05 20:17 admin References 3
2023-01-23 10:53 Rhonda 1970 2
2022-06-04 09:50 admin 1