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23 September 1899
The Press is represented by the Mudgee Guardian (bi-weekly), the proprietor of which is Mr. Cohen, with Mr. Garngee, an able journalist, as editor1
6 September 1905
9 January 2006
After 31 years, a return to Monday - Wednesday - Friday
With today's historic issue of the Mudgee Guardian, local readers can for the first time in more than three decades get their weekend news on Monday, their mid-week news on Wednesday and their preview of the weekend ahead on Friday.
It was on December 16, 1974, when the Guardian last published a regular issue on Monday. Prior to that date, the Guardian had come out on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for some 10 years.
When the Monday Guardian was discontinued, then-owner Doug McGregor suggested that the town needed to grow in order to support a return to Monday-Wednesday-Friday publication.
Well grow it has, and with this issue, we return to that publishing pattern with the Guardian appearing on Mondays and Fridays and The Weekly coming out on Wednesday.
"This is a great step forward for both our readers and our advertisers," Managing Editor Elwyn Lang said.
"We invite our readers to take a particularly close look today at the all-new Monday Guardian, with its comprehensive weekend sports report including the results from around the nation, it's special Lifestyle section, its expanded look at Local People and its expanded seven-day TV guide.
"Come Wednesday, you'll want to check out The Weekly for its great new guide to weekend entertainment as well as in-depth coverage of the sporting scene, the popular Talk of the Town and the many other features this such a popular publication when it began appearing on Thursdays in 2004," Mr Lang said.
"These new publication dates for the Monday Guardian and the Wednesday Weekly will provide a more balanced coverage of local news and sport through the week, while the Friday Guardian will continue to give readers its long-established wrap-up of the week and preview of the weekend ahead along with its comprehensive coverage of the region's booming property market2 ."