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3 June 2021
What is the future of Countryfit Gym?
In October, Countryfit Gym will have been at its Short Street location for 33 long years. But it won't make it to 34, with the announcement that the gym will be moving to a new location at Mudgee Industrial Park on Depot Road.
Owner Glenn Maynard, who last spoke with the Guardian in July 2020 when they announced their intention to retire and step away from the business they had managed for more than three decades.
Originally it was the business that was for sale, but owner Glenn Maynard said that earlier this year he, and his wife and co-owner Fiona, got an 'offer they couldn't refuse' for the property and the wheels were put in motion. Though Glenn said they had been mulling a potential move before the offer.
"Fiona and I sort of thought it'd be a good challenge for us to do something like this. We've never built anything from scratch," Glenn said.
"A lot of members come up and say they're going to be sad to go because they've been here - a couple have been here for 33 years - and they're gonna miss it because they're attached to it the building.
Festival magic as music lovers converge in Mudgee Mudgee's KFC location for sale A look inside the nearly-completed art gallery after a new official name is decided While the development is set in stone, the specifics of its interior and layout are still yet to be approved by Council. It is expected that the plans will be voted on at the next Council meeting on June 16. Glenn said he's excited for everyone to see what the brand new gym will be like.
"It's all about atmosphere... You know, when you walk into a gym... you might get a vibe out of it. There's got to be a feel. We really want to make it when people walk straight in the door they go 'wow, this is a good atmosphere'," he said.
"I've been in the industry so long, I sort of know what you need to get that good-feeling atmosphere. I've learned a lot over the last 33 years having built my own gym. So I know the good points and the things to avoid."
One of the biggest things Glenn said he and - he hopes members - look forward to is the swathe of new equipment that will fill out the new premises.
"It's all brand new equipment, one of the biggest things is we're going to have two levels. So that's going to be exciting as well, because nothing is like that in Mudgee. So I'm trying to make it so it's something when you walk in you go 'wow'," Glenn said.
"The technology is just unbelievable, especially with the cardio equipment. You've got Netflix, you've got YouTube, you could do your own personal training where the client comes up on the screen and takes you through a workout. I mean, I was amazed, and I've been doing it all my life.
"Obviously you're paying for it. But if I'm going to make a move, I've got to make a move that's going to make a difference or an impact. No point dragging up the old equipment and just plunking in a brand new premises."
The Maynards are synonymous with the Countryfit Gym, and Glenn said they still plan to take a step back and let the 'amazing staff' take the reigns.
"Were still semi retiring, but we're just going to be in the background whilst owning the business. It's worked out really well, the way it's been sold... We were worried that we'd sell the business and not the property and all that sort of stuff, so it has panned out really well," he said.
It's expected the new facility will be ready to go - pending any major issues - sometime in early 2022, with April being the cut-off date for the move1 .