
History: Mudgee Colless Frozen Foods Pty Ltd

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14 August 1970
$17000 project to go ahead at Mudgee

Loan approved
Colless’ Frozen Foods Pty. Ltd. will set up a $17000 food processing and wholesale distributing depot at Mudgee.
The project will be financed by loans from the Department of Decentralisation and the Mudgee Municipal Council.
News of the Department’s decision to assist the company in its project was announced yesterday by the Member for Burrendong (Mr. Roger Wotton).
The Mudgee Municipal Council at the meeting on Monday night agreed to co-operate if the Department approved of the scheme.
Mr. Wotton said that the Decentralisation Department would lend Colless Pty. Ltd. $8,500 of the required amount, and the Council will lend a further $4,250.
The company will provide the other $4,250 required.
The depot will be built on land facing the Sydney Road south east of the town.
The Minister for Decentralisation (Mr. Fuller) said yesterday that Colless Frozen Foods Pty. Ltd. had been established at Leura for many years as a wholesale distributor of a wide range of frozen goods, smallgoods, poultry, and red meat.
Many of these lines are processed by the company itself.
Over the past five years, the firm has employed refrigerated trucks to supply markets at Mudgee, Orange, Bathurst, Lithgow and other country centres.
However, economics now favoured the alternative of setting up depots in the various centres.
Mr. Wotton said that Mudgee had been selected for the first of these depots, and, the firm was likely to extend its processing activities here, using local produce where possible.
“Colless” at present employ eighteen workers,said it is expected that a further six people will be employed at Mudgee,” Mr. Wotton said.
Mr. Fuller congratulated Mr. Wotton, Ald. Coates (the Blue Mountains parliamentary representative) and the Mudgee Municipal Council for the support they had given the new venture.
“This will add a new industry and new job opportunities at Mudgee,” Mr. Fuller said.
He added that success in decentralisation was great1 .

1 Mudgee Guardian, Friday 14 August 1970, p. 1.


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2023-02-05 20:16 admin References 5
2023-02-05 16:37 Rhonda edit 4
2023-01-23 10:58 Rhonda references 3
2023-01-23 10:56 Rhonda 1970 2
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