
History: Mudgee Byron Place

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8 April 1971
First Business For Byron Place
The first application for a new business in Byron Place has been received and granted, the Deputy Mayor of Mudgee Ald. Mrs. Croan said this week.
Mrs. Croan said the Mudgee Council hoped that this would be but the first of a long list of applications for setting up business in this new area for car parking and commercial activity between Church and Perry Streets, Mudgee.
Mudgee Municipal Council has approved an application by Mr. Alan Sutherland for development consent to the establishment of an upholstery business on land fronting the Byron Place Car Park.
Mr Sutherland proposed to acquire land at the rear of the Civic Theatre and erect a brick shop frontage to the Byron Place Carpark with a work - shop at the rear.
The Byron Place Car park is now completed with only a few minor construction details to be finalised and the area is already receiving very solid use by the public as a carpark.
Last week, the Ulan County Council completed the installation of the lighting of the carpark.
“I think this is no doubt that this will be the forerunner to a number of such applications and I am confident that Council’s long range plan for the development of this area for car parking and commercial activity will eventually be fully realized.
Mrs. Croan said this has all been achieved despite a great deal of opposition from various interested parties in the initial stages of the project, but after much negotiation satisfactory arrangements were made.
“I think it can be said now that everybody is well - satisfied with the final outcome, Mrs. Croan said.
There is no doubt that the Carpark is already proving to be a valuable asset to the commercial area of the community in general, and as it receives increasing use, its value to the town will be appreciated even more.
When planning the construction of the Carpark several years ago, Council designed the area in such a way as to provide for commercial interests to establish premises on the northern and southern sides of the Carpark.
It was envisaged at the time that the vacant land on those two sides of the carpark was potentially valuable for commercial activity such as shops, offices and business houses.
Council felt that it would only be a matter of time before the vacant land was utilised in this way1 .

29 November 1971
ALAN SUTHERLAND (pictured) says that business picked up since he moved into his new premises in Mudgee’s new car park, Byron Place.
He says that the car park is catching on with the public.
“I see new cars using the car park every day now”, he says. “They’re interested in my shop, too”.
Mr. Sutherland’s furnishing store and workshop was the first shop to be built on Byron Place. Mr. Sutherland built the shop himself. He sees Byron Place as a drive-in shopping centre of the not-too-distant future2 .


1 Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 8 April 1971, p. 1.
2 Mudgee Guardian, Monday 29 November 1971, p. 3.


Information Version
2023-03-11 06:29 Rhonda 1971 5
2022-12-07 19:51 admin References 4
2022-12-07 19:50 Rhonda Footnote 3
2022-12-07 15:28 Rhonda 1971 2
2022-06-03 21:03 admin 1