Other name: * Merendee until 1865
County name: Wellington
Location note:
URL for linking: https://nswgovschoolhistory.cese.nsw.gov.au/schoolHistory?schoolId=5172
Operating dates:
Type of school Opening date Closing date Half-time partner schools
Public School Aug 1859 Dec 1861
Public School 1864 1866
Provisional School 1868 1869
Provisional School Jun 1873 Nov 1879
Public School May 1882 Sep 1923
Half-Time School Sep 1923 Apr 1924 MUDGEE RIVER
Provisional School Apr 1924 Apr 19251
5 January 1906
Merrendee Public School.
It having been brought under the notice of the member for the district that Merrendee school building required the repairer, Mr. Richards interviewed the Acting Under-Secretary for Instruction, and was informed that an expenditure would shortly be made on the dilapidated place. When passing through Merrendee during the election period Mr. Richards' attention was directed to the broken windows, and the evidences of discomfort that in winter time must be the lot of the children and the teacher and his family. If the retrenchment poodle has not run mad, there is good reason to hope that Mr Inspector Reay is likely to have word to let out the necessary work2
5 February 1905 J Cassidy, Merrendee, member Public Service Association3 .