
History: Kandos School

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School name: Kandos
Other name: * Coomber until 10.1914; Candos until 8.1915
County name: Roxburgh
Location note:
URL for linking: https://nswgovschoolhistory.cese.nsw.gov.au/schoolHistory?schoolId=4252
Operating dates:
Type of school Opening date Closing date Half-time partner schools
Provisional School Nov 1874 Jul 1894
Half-Time School Jul 1894 Jun 1898 CARWELL
Public School Jul 1898 Jan 1910
Public School Jan 1915 Dec 1929
District School Jan 1930 Dec 1932
Intermediate High School Jan 1933 Dec 1968
Public School Jan 1969 Open1

See also Coomber School


18 February 1915
Parents living at Candos are happy once more. The old Coomber school has been re-opened, having been closed since Mr. Hopkins left 'the district. Mr. Daly is the new teacher, and has made a good impression on the district. Candos school is destined to be one of the largest in the district2 .


20 December 1917
Popular Teacher. - Mr. A. P. Meany, the recently appointed school teacher from Lawson's Creek, is very popular in Kandos, both with the school children and the residents, and the people consider that they are most fortunate in having such a capable and painstaking man as Mr. Meany in their midst. Mr. Meany was a very conspicuous worker at the sports meeting held recently3 .

29 October 1917
Captain W: F. Dunn, M.L. A., has received word from the Education Department that it has been decided to remove Kandos school, to another site, and that two portable rooms, with accommodation for 100 pupils, will be
removed from Mudgee as early as possible. The existing school buildings are to be altered and added to the. residence4 .


3 May 1918
The school buildings are now approaching completion. The two well-constructed weatherboard structures were in the grounds of Mudgee high school prior to being removed to Kandos. This arrangement was found necessary owing to the increased attendance of children at Kandos. The school site is on nice level ground, which has yet to be fenced, and is about five minutes walk from the old one. There will be considerably improved accommodation. Mr. Meany, the popular headmaster, will soon be enjoying increased advantages in home life, as the old school-room - which is attached to the residence - is to be incorporated into the home. In addition, three more rooms are in course of construction. The price for bringing the school buildings from Mudgee and re-erecting them, in conjunction with the new rooms of concrete blocks, was £2705 .


12 July 1922
The Kandos school, which has now an enrolment of 200 children, is working one teacher short, and Mr. Meany, the headmaster, finds that the extra duties imposed as a result keep him pretty busy. The school carries three assistants in addition to the headmaster. Some time ago the assistants were transferred to other districts, one - Miss Wallace, to Oakey Park - but only one has so far been appointed to Kandos6 .


21 July 1924

Mr. J. Simpkins and his team of workers are making great headway with the erection of the new public school at Kandos. The building; should be completed within six weeks' time, and then - the official opening7 .


22 October 1925

Student Numbers Increase

It is twelve months on Monday next since the new school was opened at Kandos. When this large school was being built many thought it was too big for the size of the town. To-day the headmaster (Mr Mitchell) is wondering how he is to accommodate all the children who are ready to start school. There are over 300 on the roll now and it means falling back upon two of the rooms of the old school. Until another room is added to the present structure8 .


5 December 1929


KANDOS, Wednesday.
A new school building, a structure of brick with tiled roof, and erected at a cost of £ 7978, was officially opened by the Minister for Education (Mr. Drummond). The Minister, who was welcomed by the president of the Parents and Citizens' Association (Mr. T. Lloyd), gave an historical account of the school. An application in 1874 was granted under the name of "Comber Melon," which was changed to "Coomber." In 1883 there was an attendance of 13, which dwindled in 1893 to less than nine, when the school was closed. In 1914 the school was reopened under the name of Candos, which was later altered to Kandos. The attendances increased to such an extent that a new building to accommodate 200 pupils was erected at a cost of £ 2970. By October, 1925, the enrolment had increased to 300. The present enrolment totalled 428 pupils9 .

Kandos Public School 01-01-1930 to 31-12-1930 NRS-15051-1-18-[992]
Kandos Public School 01-01-1930 to 31-12-1930 NRS-15051-1-18-[992]

16 January 1930
Mr W. F. Dunn, MLA., has been notified, under date 16/1/30, by the Director of Education, as follows: With reference to representations made by you in 1928 on behalf of the Kandos Parents and Citizens' Association, respecting the status of the local school, I have to inform you that Kandos School has now been classified as a district school, as from January 1, 193010 .


6 February 1933
The Kandos district school has now been graded as an intermediate high school, and there are 8 male teachers on the staff (5 in the high and 3 in the primary). Five new teachers have been transferred to the Karndos intermediate high school for the 1933 term. These are Mr H. Williamson, from Guyra, who succeeded Mr Edgar (transferred to Inverell); Mr R. Johnston, from Randwick, who succeeded Mr Mctntyre as 1st assistant, Mr McIntyre being transferred to Finley; Mr Giles, Mr Audry and Mr Goffet (and Mrs Goffett to the primary school)11 .

1 Secretary. ‘School History Database Search’. NSW Department of Education, 29 January 2020. https://education.nsw.gov.au/about-us/our-people-and-structure/history-of-government-schools/school-database-search.html.
2 Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative. ‘CANDOS SCHOOL.’ 18 February 1915. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156862986.
3 Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative. ‘Kandos News’. 20 December 1917. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156185175.
4 Lithgow Mercury. ‘KANDOS SCHOOL.’ 29 October 1917. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article218767887.
5 Lithgow Mercury. ‘Kandos Notes’. 3 May 1918. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article218474923.
6 Lithgow Mercury. ‘Kandos Notes’. 12 July 1922. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article219699903.
7 Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative. ‘KANDOS SCHOOL.’ 21 July 1924. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155724316.
8 Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative. ‘KANDOS PUBLIC SCHOOL.’ 22 October 1925. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155951453.
9 Sydney Morning Herald. ‘MINISTER OPENS SCHOOL’. 5 December 1929. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16607456.
10 Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative. ‘Reclassified’. 17 January 1930. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156243667.
11 Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative. ‘KANDOS SCHOOL STATUS’. 6 February 1933. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article162021189.


Information Version
2024-01-18 18:57 admin 19
2024-01-18 18:56 admin 18
2024-01-18 18:55 admin 17
2023-04-27 09:01 Rhonda 1919 16
2023-01-26 10:45 Rhonda 1921 15
2023-01-26 07:23 Rhonda 1946 14
2022-09-27 15:43 admin 1926 Mr Mitchell leaves 13
2022-09-24 19:15 admin 1922 12
2022-09-16 15:54 admin 1918 11
2022-09-13 20:04 admin Mr Meany 10
2022-08-07 09:43 admin 9
2022-08-07 09:42 admin img Plugin modified by editor. 8
2022-08-07 09:42 admin image 7
2022-08-07 09:40 admin 6
2022-07-08 12:23 admin 5
2022-07-08 12:21 admin Candos 4
2022-07-08 12:19 admin Numbers 3
2022-06-12 17:24 admin 2
2022-06-10 17:52 admin 1