
History: Kandos Cricket Club

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19 September 1918
A meeting of cricket enthusiasts was held at the Angus Memorial Hall on Thursday night, at which it was unanimously resolved to form a cricket club with the above title. Mr. A. P. Meany, J.P., was elected president and Mr. W. Conran secretary, Mr. C. Roberts treasurer, and the following gentlemen appointed vice-chairmen, Messrs. F. Richards, H. Schroder, Chetwynd Jones, W. R. Jones, J. P. McGrath, H. E. Phillips, R. Service, J. Fletcher, W. McKibbon (of Lithgow), D. Charles, C. P. Hansen, J. Lloyd, T. Hamilton, V. Smith, S. Winchester, J. C. Strong, and Mr. Robinson. It was resolved that the election of an executive committee be held over until the next meeting also the question of deciding the amount of entrance fee and annual contributions. The meeting decided to wait upon Mr. Chetwynd Jones to make arrangements for the wicket, and appointed the president, secretary and treasurer to form a deputation for that purpose. It was resolved to hold the next meeting on Monday week, September 23. We cordially invite everyone interested in cricket to roll up. Kandos should easily support two good strong elevens, and with the popular and enthusiastic officials who have been elected to pilot the first Kandos Cricket Club along we have not the shadow of a doubt that the new venture will be an unqualified success from its inception.
The following donations have been received towards the establishment of the newly formed club: J. P. McGrath £1/1/, R. Service £1/1/, A. P. Meany £1/1/, W. McKibbin £1/1/, T. Hamilton 10/6. A subscription list has been opened which is being circulated throughout the township, and a liberal response is anticipated1 .

20 October 1918
The Kandos Cricket Club held its second meeting on Friday evening. Mr. A. P. Meany (president) occupied the chair.
It was decided to elect Messrs. R. M. Service and T. Farley as a deputation to wait upon the superintendent of the Cement Works, Mr. F. S. Richards, to arrange about the wicket.
The annual subscription to the club was fixed at 5/.
Mr. T. H. Jones was admitted as a member of the club.
Messrs. Service, Roberts, and Conran were elected as a management committee to purchase everything required by the club, to supervise the preparing of the ground, and to collect subscriptions from prospective members.
The meeting then adjourned2 .

1 Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative. ‘Kandos Cricket Club’. 19 September 1918. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156989001.
2 Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative. ‘Cricket Club’. 24 October 1918. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article157143895.


Information Version
2022-09-22 12:07 admin 4
2022-09-17 19:38 admin 2nd meeting 3
2022-09-17 17:04 admin Link 2
2022-09-17 16:58 admin Formation 1