14 January 1970
Gulgong Youth Club
The Gulgong Youth Club will be in charge of two instructors, Mr. Jim Gaudry and Mr. Allan Rickwood, the meeting of the club decided on Monday.
Recognition of the great service given by Mr. Bill Holden to the club was recorded in the minutes as the President, Mr. Roley Campbell, spoke in appreciation of the contribution made by Bill.
The club will be in recess until the resumption of the school term and efforts will be made to obtain help and assistance from parents of the children who attend the club.
Two members of the club committee were invited to attend a Youth Club Seminar at the New England University commencing February 6 at Armidale and an endeavour will be made to attend.
The women will continue their physical culture class and the committee is anxious to acquaint parents - that their daughters are urged to attend this session.
The Treasurer, Mr. Bill Waddell presented a balance sheet showing that the last tournament in December was most successful.
The club has $800 in credit, which will provide a good basis for purchase of further equipment when the new Youth Club in the proposed Community Centre is built this year1 .