19 April 1934
THE Prince of Wales Hotel, Gulgong, Is to be taken over by Mrs. B. J. Egan, who recently disposed of the licence to Mr. Ben Davles. Since leaving Gulgong Mrs. Egan has been residing at Parramatta. Her many friends warmly welcome her back to the town1 .
26 April 1934
THE sale of the licence of the Prince of Wales Hotel. Gulgong, from Mr. B. Davies to Mrs. Egan, who is owner of the building and wbo was until recently the licensee, was effected through the Gulgong. District Stock and Station Agency (Messrs. Cock and Manusu). Mrs. Egan will take over the business again after next sitting of the Licensing Court2 .
10 May 1934
Owner Licensee
Frank Leo Egan c/o Prince of Wales Hotel, Mayne Street, Gulgong 1/1/20 Lease expired 1/12/22.
Kenneth Alex Macrae 1/1/20
Frank Leo Egan 25/1/23
Bedelia Josephine Egan (Executrix of Will of F. L. Egan,dec’d)
Bedelia Josephine Egan 7/6/26
Benjamin Davies 27/12/33
Bedelia Josephine Egan 10/5/34
8/11/27. Application to make material alterations. - Approved - Complete by 1 month. Approx Cost £100.
5/9/33. Order 40A made - Complete by 13 months. Approx Cost £753
10 August 1939
At the Gulgong Licensing Court to-day the licence of the Prince of Wales Hotel, Gulgong, was transferred from Mrs. B. J. Egan to Mr. F. P. Gilmore4 .
15 June 1950
At the Gulgong licensing Court last Wednesday, Mrs. Ida Mann, late of Sydney, was granted a licence of the Prince of Wales Hotel in Mayne Street. In the conduct of the business, Mrs. Mann has the assistance of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Parsonage. For some months the hotel was managed by Mr. Walter Costello for Graham Bros5 .