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26 August 1909
The Denison Poultry Farm.
Attention is directed to an advertisement appearing in this issue drawing attention to the fact that Mrs. W. Holswich's famous black orpington settings are now ready1
26 August 1909
Denison Poultry Farm
Denison Street,
Next Mrs. Crawford’s Private Hospital.
Black Orpingtons.
No. 1 Pen. Cock has taken 6 firsts and 2 seconds, also special prize for best cock in the district at last Mudgee Poultry Club’s Show, and is mated with Howell’s pullets, which have taken several prizes in this town. Settings £2 2s.
No. 2 Pen. Howell’s cock mated with Jones’ (Sydney) pullets, good laying strain. Settings 10s 6d.
White Leghorns
No. 1. Padman’s laying strain cock, mated with my Warren hens. Settings 10s 6d.
No. 2. Warren cock, mated with my good layers. Settings 5s.
All are Pedigree Birds.
Unfertile eggs replaced.
Inspection invited any day except Sunday.
Mrs. W. Holswich,
Denison Street.
Or Sherry and Nelthorpe, Market Street2