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Other name: * Cudgebegong until 8.1917
County name: Bligh
Location note:
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Operating dates:
Type of school Opening date Closing date
Public School Nov 1882 Jul 1922
Provisional School Aug 1946 May 19561
23 November 1882 Patrick George Ryan was instructed to take temporary charge at Cudgebegong Pub IIIC2 .
28 April 1891
Teacher Appointed
Miss Catherine Rogers was appointed teacher at Cudgebegong Public School3
5 March 1897
Teacher Transferred
Miss A Twembow was transferred from Antonio Creek to take charge of Cudgebegong School during the absence of the teacher4
On 5 March 1897 teacher Miss A Twemlow was transferred from Cudgebegong School to Muddy Creek Provisional School5
14 March 1907
Cudgebegong News.
(From a Correspondent.)
To be Closed.— The Cudgebegong Public School will be closed in the near future. It is a shame to see the school closed, when there are so many children here to attend, but the parents do not appear to take any interest in the school, hence it is to be closed on account of insufficient scholars6
24 October 1907
The Cudgebegong School.
Sometime ago the Education De partment gave the people of Cudgebe gong to understand that the Cudgebe gong Public School was to be closed owing to insufficient attendance of scholars. Now news comes to hand that that school is not be closed. We would advise the parents in that local ity to send their children regularly to school, otherwise they may cause the Education Department to revert to their former decision7
16 December 1909
Mr. John Callaghan, formerly teacher of the Public School at Cudgebegong, has been presented by the people of that locality with an illuminated address, in recognition of his services both as a civil servant and a member of the community8
5 October 1916
Teacher for Cudgebegong.
Mr. W. G. Ashford has received the following communication from the Department of Education: - 'With reference to your representation on behalf of Mr. R. E. McClintock, hon. sec. of the Gulgong Progress Association, respecting the reopening of the Public School at Cudgebegong, I have the honor to inform you that a teacher has now been appointed and should enter on duty on 2nd proximo9
23 June 1917
Killed in Action.
Official advice has been received in Gulgong to the effect that Private McInerney, late of Cudgebegong, had been killed in action in France. He enlisted 12 months ago. Before enlisting he had charge of the Cudgebegong School. His parents reside at Raymond Terrace, Sydney. At St. John's Church on Sunday, the Rev. Father O'Donnell feelingly referred to the death of Private McInerney10