
History: Cassilis Rosedale

Preview of version: 2 (current)


6 January 1955
Well-Known, Highly Improved Cassilis District Property
2975 Acres - Freehold Unrestricted - 2975 Acres
For Public Auction
Mudgee Town Hall
Wednesday, 16th February, 1955, at 11 a.m.
Situated: 10 miles Cassilis, 25 Merriwa, 37 Coolah Airport, 54 Mudgee. Telephone Cassilis continuous - all weather road - tri-weekly mail.
Country: Level to undulating, grass and herbage, with rich flats suitable for lucerne - 100 acres sown to wheat - timber killed with exception shade belts and fencing requirements.
Watered: By six mile frontage Munmurra River also dams and springs.
Fencing: In good order, boundary netted and netting subdivision - 15 paddocks, which include several cultivation paddocks.
Improvements: Consist of a comfortable home, newly painted of 12 rooms, water laid on to the house and garden from river, also ample rainwater tanks, Rayburn Stove and hot water service to kitchen, shower room, laundry, garage, tractor shed, feed shed, fowl houses, 1000 bushel Lysaght silo. Wool shed, 4 stands, press, etc. Ample cover 500 sheep, yards, plunge dip. 1 set cattle yards with loading ramp, 1set sheep yards.
“Rosedale” is good safe breeding and fattening country, enjoys a good rainfall and can be recommended.
For inspection or further particulars, apply:-
Mara Bros. - Mudgee (Phone: 311)
New Zealand Loan & M.A. Co. Ltd. - Sydney
(Inc. in England) - BU 5141
Agents in Conjunction1 .


1 Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 6 January 1955, p. 10.


Information Version
2024-02-11 12:19 Rhonda 1955 2
2023-01-02 09:18 admin Page setup 1