
History: Camboon District

Preview of version: 3 (current)


17 August 1922
Passing along one comes to a part of the district called Camboon, Mr. H. McLachlan, has a very good property and goes in for mixed farming, being also a breeder of blood stock. Some of his horses have been very successful on the racing track. There was much to interest a visitor on this property. The homestead commands a very fine view of the surrounding district. Leaving Mr. McLachlan's, the next snug property is Mr. D. Riches, where my host insisted on my staying to lunch. Strange how small the world is for I speedily found that Mrs. Riches knew Wellington well, her father, Mr. Kennedy, having been farming manager for the late Mr. Aarons on Nanima, for several years, and many old friends and acquaintances were asked after. Like all old Wellingtonians Mrs. Riches has a very warm spot in her heart for the old town, and I had a job to refuse my kind hostess's wish for me to stay the night with them1 .


1 A CROSS COUNTRY TRIP (1922, August 17). Wellington Times (NSW : 1899 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved April 15, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article137408220


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