
History: Bylong Hall

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1921 Building Started

Building the Bylong Hall began during the week of 20 October 19211 .

1921 Opening on December 1.

The new public hall at Bylong will be opened on Thursday, December 1, by a race meeting in the day and a ball, in the hall, at night. , For some considerable time the people of Bylong, a rich and populated centre and district, have felt the need of a public ball, and at last the need has been met. A few months ago the Bylong people secured five and a half acres of centrally situated land. Upon this the hall that was wanted has been, erected, whilst the balance of the land will be used as a sports and general recreation ground. The hall, which has been erected at a total cost of £400, is a spacious: and convenient building-. The main hall is 40ft by 25ft, and there is a supper room 25ft by 12ft. The hall committee has received donations of .£25 from Thompson Bros., of Wingora, Bylong; £10 from Mr. John Davies. Ginghi, and other donations to the total of £130 towards the liquidation of the debt on the hall. As has been said, the opening has been fixed for December 1, and it is hoped to considerably augment the funds by the proceeds of the races to be held on that day and the ball and supper at night2 .

1922 Piano Sought for Bylong Hall

A meeting of the subscribers and committee of the Bylong Public Hall was held in the hall on Saturday, February 11. There was a large attendance. Mr. Jas. Gettens was voted to the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The hon. treasurer (who has also been acting secretary for some time) submitted the following report and balance sheet: 'I feel that you will be naturally well pleased with the progress that has been made during the last few months. After delays in securing land, we were at last in a position to proceed with the erection of the hall, the opening of which took place on December 1 last. The effort on that occasion reflects the greatest credit on the people of Bylong and those that attended from the surrounding district, who gave and helped in a most generous manner. On that day I had the honor of declaring this hall open. Crs. G. W. Traill and McPherson were invited to perform the opening ceremony, but they stoutly objected. claiming that I, as one of the old residents of Bylong, should have the honor. I take this opportunity of publicly thanking these two gentlemen for their courtesy and public spirit. During the present year we have much to do in the way of providing a suitable musical instrument for the hall, also a suitable lighting system, and various improvements to the sports ground. Several matters will be brought before the meeting and if adopted will, we have hopes, prevent, to a very great measure, the clashing of local and other entertainments, and thus bring about a far better feeling between those concerned. The reports that have been circulated - that the hall committee had refused certain applications for the use of the hall - are absolutely untrue. The only application received was from the hon. secretary of the Bylong Cricket Club. This was granted. Enquiries were made by others, and they were asked to make written applications but failed to do so. The committee could therefore proceed no further. The hall committee have this hall licensed under the Theatres and Public Halls Act, and have to comply with the Entertainment Tax Assessment Act, and, therefore, we require written applications. - Jas. Get tens.'

The financial statement was then submitted and disclosed the following position:- Total expenditure, £395/1/; total receipts, £340/18/1; debit balance, £54/2/11. Mr. P. W. Tindall moved, and Mr. W. E. Davis seconded, that the treasurer's report be received and the balance sheet adopted.
The .resignation of Mr. W. Jones from the working committee was received with regret. All agreed that Mr. Jones had given generous support. The chairman then brought before the meeting the matter of purchasing- a piano for the hall and referred to the offer made by a young man at Bylong to advance £25 towards the purchase, free of interest, until the whole debt on the hall and land was cleared off. After fully discussing the matter, the committee was instructed to purchase a suitable instrument. Mr. P. W. Tindall moved; Mr. W. H. McIlree seconded, and it was carried, that the list of dates (submitted by the acting secretary) for the holding of entertainments in the Bylong Public Hall be adopted. Moved by Mr. G. H. W. McIlree, seconded by Mr. W. Jones, and carried, that Mr. Jas. Gettens be appointed secretary in lieu of Mr. P. W. Tindall (resigned), and Mr. J. Walker become treasurer.
The chairman assured the meeting that he would, as secretary, do his utmost to carry out his duties in a satisfactory manner. As to the appointment of Mr. Walker as treasurer, he felt sure that every satisfaction would be given, as Mr. Walker had been a great worker in all matters concerning the hall. On the motion of Mr. W. Jones, seconded by Mr. A. Chitty, it was agreed that a working committee be appointed annually, the old committee to retire but to be eligible for re-appointment. Moved by Mr. W. Jones, seconded by Mr. E. D. Mead, and carried, that tho secretary be empowered to proceed with the purchase of the necessary lights for the hall. The chairman thanked all present for the manner in which they had dealt with all matters brought before them. There was one matter he would like to refer to before they parted. It had come under his notice that reports were being circulated that members of a certain creed were not wanted in this hall. On behalf of the committee, he would like to say that such reports were absolutely false, and oniy spread to cause dissension among a hitherto peaceful community. Those present then entered the main hall, where a social was in progress in honor of the visit of the Goulburn River cricketers3 .

1954 Re-opening of Bylong Hall a Huge Success

The gala night held last Friday to mark the re-opening of the Bylong Hall was a huge success, raising the sum of £146.

The new and enlarged dance floor, with stage, was all that could be wished for, while the lining and ceiling, painted in pastel tones of cream and blue gave a beautiful finish to the building. Mr. H. Bloodworth officially opened the hall, following which there was a presentation of six glamorous male debutantes. The official party consisted of Lady Margaret, (Mrs. M. Burke) as Mayoress of Bylong, assisted by Lady Jenny (Mrs. L. Turner, of Bondi), Wing-Commander and Mrs. Wimpole (Mrs. Kentwell and Mr. Kentwell), and the Duke and Duchess of Coggan Creek (Mrs. L. Egan and Mrs. H. Gettens). Posies were presented to Lady Margaret and Lady Jenny by flower girls Annie Appleseed (Patrick Tinson) and Lilly Lucerne (Edward Tinson). The matron of honour, Mrs. Edwina Burke (Mr. Ted Burke) received a posy from flower girl Dolly Dalrymple (Max Taffe).
The debs, were as follows: Miss Pansy Perrywinkle (Mr. Ian Taylor) and partner, Mr. Egbert Bacon (Miss Mavis Taylor); Miss Olive Oil (Mr. John Burke) partnered by Mr. Oscar Overall (Mrs. E.Burke); Miss Milly Milo (Mr. Allan Hackett) and partner, Mr. Percival Partridge (Miss Fay Schneider); Miss Sarah Sorghum (Mr. John Rowland) and partner, Mr. Cuthbert Curlew (Mrs. N. Scott); Miss Polly Parrot (Mr. Russel Davis) partnered by Mr. William Wallflower (Miss Gwen Stanmore), and Miss Bella Pullet (Mr. Brian Swords) and partner, Mr. Rufus Cockerel (Miss Maria Tinson). The raffle run during the evening was won by Mr. L Taylor. Donations were received from the following towards the cost of the hall improvements: Messrs. Woddington, H. Bloodworth, A. Bloodworth, Delaney and Ennis, Mesdames. J. C. Thompson, Burke, Taylor and Gettens, and Jas. Loneragan and Co4 .


Bylong Hall 2011


1 Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative. ‘Bylong News.’ 20 October 1921. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155486228.
2 Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative. ‘Bylong Public Hall.’ 21 November 1921. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155487377.
3 Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative. ‘Bylong.’ 20 February 1922. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155644886.
4 Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative. ‘Re-Opening of Bylong Hall a Huge Success’. 2 December 1954. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156465257.


Information Version
2022-11-13 16:17 admin Image 6
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2022-06-29 20:29 admin Building commenced 4
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2022-06-29 20:22 admin Opening 1921 & reopening 1954 1