On 17 October 1911 an Indenture between George Herbert Singer of Rylstone (Mortgagor) and William Moore of Rylstone (Mortgagee) for £2,053 listed the following:
(Book 949 No 614 and Book 949 No 44))
On 5 November 1912, William Moore sold Budden to George Windeyer Traill for £6,585. At this time Budden comprised the following:
(Book 982 No 452)
On 2 October 1918 George Herbert Single, of Rylstone, grazier, sold the following to John Weston Perry, of Smithfield for £3,927 10 shillings:
(Book 1138 No 866)
On 25 Nov 1920, Peter Dunn sold Budden to Dr Norman Keith Robertson, of Sydney for £8,458. At this time Budden comprised the following:
(Book1209 No 684)
27 February 1900
Contract at Budden.
There were 21 tenders in for the ringbarking contract advertised by Mr. W. Moore, of Budden, Rylstone. Tendering was close, and lots had to be drawn. Mr. W. H. Cook, of Rylstone, was the successful tenderer. Mr. Moore says that advertisement in the “Guardian” evidently reached a large number of persons ready to do the work. This is the invariable experience of those who advertise in the Guardian1
20 August 1903
The Budden Bullocks.
Mr. W. Moore's property at Budden has established itself as a very fine fattening block of country, some very prime bullocks have gone from there here to Homebush recently. On Monday 18 bullocks from the Budden paddocks topped the market with the splendid average of £13 0s 6d2
21 October 1912
Weaver and Perry (Sydney) in conjunction with G. Hardwick, will conduct a clearing sale of horses, cattle and sundries at Budden, 26 miles from Rylstone, on Wednesday, 30th October3
24 October 1912
Important and Attractive Unreserved Clearing-out Sale at "BUDDEN" ESTATE, 26 miles from Rylstone of - Horses, Cattle, Farming Implements, Drays, Carts, Sulkies, Dairy Utensils, and Sundries. WEDNESDAY Oct. 30th, at 12 o'clock.
Weaver and Perry (Sydney) and G. Hardwick (Rylstone)
(in conjunction).
HAVE received instructions from W. Moore, Esq., to sell by auction as above -
40 Head of Mixed Horses comprising Light Mares in foal to a Draught Stallion; Mixed Two year-olds, by Suffolk Stallion, Saddle and Light Harness Horses, also several Ponies.
130 Head of Mixed Cattle, consisting of Dairy Cows, Young Heifers, Durham Cows, also a few Young Bullocks.
Farming Implements, Drays, Sulkies, Harness, Dairy Utensils and Sundries.
Mr. Moore, having disposed of his “Budden” Estate, the whole of the above are for Absolute Sale.
Luncheon Provided4
13 February 1913
In the Gazette
Part of the road from Burrembelong Creek, via Bluey's Gap, to the Muswellbrook-Rylstone road is to be opened, and for this purpose 2 acres 1 rood of land, occupied by George Herbert Singer, and held by William Moore, is to be resumed, while the unnecessary part of boundary road separating portion 80 from portion 81 is to be closed and added to portion 815
20 September 1920
Property Sold
Mitchell and Dunn report having sold in conjunction with Hardwick and Co., of Sydney, the well-known Budden Estate, situated in the Bylong Valley, at a highly satisfactory figure, on a walk in walk out basis, to Dr. Robertson, of Sydney, who takes possession about the middle of November. We understand that Messrs. Mitchell and Dunn have several other Mudgee district properties at present under offer6
14 October 1948
The death occurred at Bylong on Friday, Oct. 1, of Mr. George Traill at the age of 63 years. The late Mr. Traill was a noted grazier in the Bylong district, where he was respected by all sections of the community. He had resided on his Wigelmar property for a great number of years. News of his death was received with profound regret by the whole Rylstone and Bylong community. The wealth of floral tributes was evidence of his popularity. He is survived by a widow and aged mother. The funeral took place on Sunday last from St. Stephen's Church of England Bylong, to the Bylong cemetery. The last sad rites both at the church and grave were celebrated by Archdeacon Bromhead of Rylstone. Funeral arrangements were in the hands of J. B. Simpkins of Kandos. Our sympathy is extended to the bereaved ones7
12 July 1963
COUNTRY: 27 miles Rylstone, 5 miles Bylong, 66 miles Muswellbrook, 177 miles Sydney by good all weather road. Telephone connected to Bylong (continuous with the exception of Saturday afternoon and Sunday).
COUNTRY) Approximately 1,000 acres rich creek flats, rising to undulating and low hills. Well cleared and timbered with box and Kurrajong. Property divided Into 20 paddocks, boundary netted. Including 16 paddocks netted; All fencing In first class order.
CROPS AND PASTURES: 100 acres of established lucerne; 134 acres grazing lucerne and phalaris. 100 acres ploughed and ready for sowing, 200 acres cleared and ready to plough.
WATER: 2 miles permanent frontage to Bylong'Creek, 2 windmills, one equipped with 7,300 gallon concrete tank and troughing and one equipped with engine pump and 8,000 gallon concrete tank and troughing, also one elevated tank 3,000 gallons.
RAINFALLi 25 Inches.
IMPROVEMENTS: Comfortable stone house, 4 bedrooms, dining room, sitting room, smoking room, store and office, kitchen, maid's room, bathroom and laundry, veranda partly gauzed in, and portion louvered. Aga stove, portagas stove, hot and cold water. Inside and outside toilet. Engine room. Lister Diesel engine, 32-volt electric light plant, meat house, man's room, tractor and car shed, saddle room and stables, blacksmith shop and tool shed, Concrete cottage, 7 rooms, sheep and cattle yards, and dip, silo, 2,250 bushels, one hay shed, wool shed- 3 stands. 2 equipped wlth Lister Plant. 6 h.p. Lister engine.
CARRYING CAPACITY: The owner considers 11/2 sheep to the acre, plus cattle, at present carrying 2,000 pure bred Corrledales, Including 250 registered ewes plus 8O Shorthorn cows with 62 calves at foot, 10 dry cows and calves, 2 Shorthorn- bulls, Combing Park bred. 2 - station hacks.
REMARKS; The property has been In the owner's hands for 37 years, enjoying, an excellent rainfall, making It Ideally suitable for breeding and fattening of both sheep and cattle wlth scope for further development of lucerne and crops, etc., with the abundance of water together, with rich creek flats and undulating low hills, this property lends Itself admirably for development as a horse breeding stud, being In the same locality as the well known horse studs, Wingarra. Wldden. Oaklelgh. Tarwvn Park and others.
TERMS: A deposit of 10% on signing the contract. A further 23 1/3% on possession. No principal repayments for 2 years, The balance in six equal annual Instalments at 6 1/2% Interest payable half yearly.
SPECIAL NOTE: 536 1/2 acres of Conditional Lease No 23012 Given In; Rental £8/18/10.
REBATE: 20% of Total Commission will be paid to licensed agents Introducing successful purchaser In writing one day prior to Sale.
For further particulars please apply:
(Incorporated In England 1863)