School name: Buckaroo
Other name: * Pipeclay Creek until 4.1912
County name: Phillip
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Operating dates:
Type of school Opening date Closing date
Public School 1867 Dec 19551
6 March 1913
Farewell at Buckaroo
Mr. McKinnon and Family Entertained.
A very pleasant little function eventuated on Friday night last at Buckaroo Public School residence, on the eve of the departure of Mr. G. N. McKinnon, who has been appointed to the school at Lue. Upwards of 50 friends of the departing teacher met to bid him farewell. Dancing and games were indulged in. Miss M. Roth supplied good music on the piano, and the duties of M.C. were performed by Mr. J. Smith. At 11 o'clock refreshments were handed round. After ample justice had been done to the tasty refreshments, Mr. Fred. Muller was voted to the chair.
The chairman said he was pleased to have the honor of presiding at such a friendly meeting. He read apologies for non-attendance from Mr. Pearson, Senior School Inspector, and several friends. He thanked Mr. H. C. W. Kear (Mudgee). who, he said, was always willing to assist at functions of this description whether in town or country. He also thanked Mr. Phillips (of Tait's Touring Theatre) and Mr. S. Randell (visitors). He said the object of their meeting there that evening was for the purpose of tendering a farewell to Mr. McKinnon and family with regret, mingled with feelings of pleasure - regret because they did not care to lose a good friend, a good teacher and a good citizen: pleasure because they knew full well that their loss would be to others' advantage. Mr. McKinnon was leaving them at his own request. He (the chairman) thanked the ladies and gentlemen who were so thoughtful in bringing this little function to such a successful issue. He then, on behalf of the ladies and gentlemen assembled, presented Mr. McKinnon with a handsome inkstand and pen as a small token of esteem and gratitude for past valuable services. He hoped that Mr. McKinnon would receive the gift, not so much for its intrinsic value, but in the same spirit in which it is given.
Mr. McKinnon fittingly replied.
Messrs. E. S. Moore and H. C. W. Kear then spoke of Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon's many good qualities, and wished them every success in their new home at Lue.
The Chairman then presented Mrs. McKinnon with a neat case containing a hair brush and comb.
Mr. Kear responded on the recipient's behalf.
The following toasts were proposed and honored: - "The King," by Mr. Fred. Muller; "Our Guests," by Mr. Moore, responded to by Mr. McKinnon; "The Visitors," by Mr. Harris, Mr. Phillips responding: "The Ladies." by Mr. Moore, Mr. Randell responding; "The Chairman," by Mr. Kear, responded to by Mr. Muller.
Dancing (interspersed with songs) was resumed, and continued for a time, after which the singing of "Auld Lang Syne" by the company brought to a close one of the most pleasant functions ever held at Buckaroo2
10 July 1913
In connection with the collections for the Home for Incurables at Ryde, several district schools have been doing their part. At Cullenbone school (Mr. G. H. Scott) the pupils collected £3/6/1, while at Buckaroo school (Mr. R. Stewart) a sum of £4/13/3 was got together. Miss Schardt is to be congratulated upon the enthusiasm she has instilled into the people on behalf of the work, she has so much at heart3
4 August 1913
A Buckaroo Function
Mr. Senior-Inspector Pearson inspected the Buckaroo School on Wednesday last, and expressed himself as well pleased with the progress of the children since last inspection. At the conclusion Mr. Pearson was presented with a fountain pen by the pupils, the eldest girl, Mary Mason, making the presentation. Mr. Pearson thanked the pupils for the gift, which was entirely unexpected. He said he would always have pleasant recollections of his last visit to Buckaroo, and when using the pen would think of the children. He congratulated them on their work, and hoped they would continue to persevere till their school was the best of its class in the district. He thanked them again, and wished them success both in school and after life. When leaving the school, Mr. Pearson was given three hearty cheers by the pupils4
25 August 1913
Buckaroo School.
Plans of Repairs.
Mr. W. F. Dunn, M.L.A., has received from the Under-Secretary of Public Instruction the following letter: -
"Sir; - 1 have to acquaint you that the Minister of Public Instruction has approved of the preparation of full plans and specifications for carrying out repairs in connection with the Public School at Buckaroo; via Mudgee. The matter has been referred to the architect, with a view to the necessary action being taken5
15 June 1914
The tender of Mr. J. W. Clarke, £108/10/-, has been accepted for the effecting of repairs to the Buckaroo Public School6
30 January 1922
Qualifying Certificate Examinations.
The following conclude the list of passes:-
Buckaroo - Jack Sills, Harry Jas. Underwood7
11 April 1929
A social will be held in the Pipeclay School of Arts on Saturday. April 13th. Proceeds in aid of the Buckaroo School equipment fund8
10 March 1932
SOCIAL in aid of the Buckaroo School equipment fund will be held in the Pipeclay School of Arts on Saturday evening, March 19 while another function of a similar character will take place in the same hall on Easter Monday night, the object being to raise funds for that deserving institution9
Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 6 March 1913, p. 15.
Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 10 July 1913, p. 21.
Mudgee Guardian, Monday 4 August 1913, p. 2.
Mudgee Guardian, Monday 25 August 1913, p. 1.
Mudgee Guardian, Monday 15 June 1914, p. 2.
Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 11 April 1929, p. 25.
Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 10 March 1932, p. 4.