
History: Broombee Wallinga

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8 September 1870
This extensive estate stretches for sixteen miles along the Cudgegong Valley, from the Broombee Park gate four miles above Mudgee, to three miles below Slasher's Flat, close on to Guntawang and Biraganbil.
Mr. Cox tells me he has ring-barked 7000 acres of land, at a cost of 1s to 1s 6d per acre and that the value of the land has been increased 200 per cent, in the quantity and quality of grass, so that he now requires to increase his stock by 600 head.
Wallinga is a more modest property of 1600 acres, adjoining Broombee, and belonging to Messrs. F. and A. Cox.
The principal subjects of interest here, are a nice little herd of well-bred Durhams. The first that presents herself is Plum, a rich roan cow, with a promising young six months bull-calf at foot. The next is Fortune, a spotted roan cow, with a tremendous beam and girth. This cow is valued at 100 guineas. Fanny is a red and white cow, and Lucy is a beautiful roan cow, in calf. Miss Emmett is a large white cow, with an excrescence of fat on the wither, like a bison. Reprieve is a dark roan cow of great girth and size. Jessie, a red cow (inoculated.) Silver, a white cow, with roan neck; calf at foot. Una, a red and white heifer; a prize-taker at Mudgee, at sixteen months; low in condition, with calf at foot. Promise, a roan bull eighteen months. At 7 months old (or rather young) he was shown as a two-year-old, and is now a very fine bull, a little out of condition. Of course this is about the most unfavourable time of year for inspecting cattle, notwithstanding which, the above prime lot of short-horns will well repay a visit by an admirer of this beautiful breed1 .

!!! References

1 JOTTINGS BY THE WAY. (1870, September 8). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 4. Retrieved April 9, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article107129664


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