
Mudgee Bax and Bray

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24 October 1896

Bax & Bray Coach and Buggy Builder 1896 http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article71300077
Bax & Bray Coach and Buggy Builder 1896 http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article71300077

24 October 1896
Messrs. Bax and Bray, coach and buggy builders, Lewis and Mortimer streets, are amongst the best established firms. Their factory, which is shown in our illustration, is fitted with all modern appliances for rapid execution of high-class work, many specimens of which are to be seen in various stages of completion. A special feature of the plant is an ingenious though simple contrivance for tyring, the invention of Mr. Bax. Tyres fitted by the aid of this apparatus are cooled almost instantaneously, and as all rim-scorching is thus avoided they cling to the wood and never require recutting a fact which, to the firm's profit, has become widely known. By good workmanship and the use of well-selected and properly seasoned material, Messrs. B. and B. have gained a leading position in the local trade and find regular employment for twelve hands. The woodwork is under the direct supervision of Mr. Bray, while Mr. Bax attends to the smithy. Both are tradesmen of long experience, and, with the appliances at hand, may be trusted to give their patrons complete satisfaction1 .


1 The Town of Mudgee. (1896, October 24). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), p. 26. Retrieved May 16, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article71300077

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