
Vulcan School

Vulcan School

Name County Classification Start End
Vulcan (3) (near Kandos) Roxburgh Provisional School Jan 1922 Oct 1926
Vulcan (3) (near Kandos) Roxburgh Public School Jan 1928 Dec 1928


21 April 1921

Torbane School Building relocated to Vulcan

Workmen connected with the Education Department are demolishing the public school at Torbane with a view to Its re-erection at Vulcan Siding. It is expected that the work will be completed at Vulcan within the next six weeks1 .


23 Feb 1922
School opens
Festivities at Brogan's Creek
After many months waiting, a long-felt need has been supplied, as Vulcan can now boast of a school and also a schoolmaster. And in honor of same, the residents of Vulcan and Brogan's Creek assembled at Mr. O. Cafe's residence on Friday night to welcome Mr. Crogan, who has been appointed teacher here. A most enjoyable time was spent, and singing and recitations were given by several of those present, while the step dancing of Miss Nita McKinnon, of Lithgow, was highly appreciated. Dancing was indulged in until the early hours of morning. Several appropriate speeches were made, and were responded to by Mr. Crogan.
On the Saturday morning, about 11 o'clock, the parents, children, and friends (sports, everyone of them) gathered together once more and held a picnic under the cherry trees in Mr. Phil Farrelly's paddock, and races and games of all sorts were thoroughly enjoyed. It was really a day's fun for the adults as well as the children. About 6.30 everybody left for home feeling tired but happy. Although only a small place about eighty people attended the picnic, and we hope there will be double that number at the next gathering which everyone is looking forward to in the near future2 .


2 October 1924

Teacher Transferred

Vulcan School Helps Hospital. - An effort' to raise funds for the Hospital was organised by Mr. Crogan of the Vulcan Public School on September 26. Owing to other social functions in the district being held on that date, the attendance was not as large as anticipated, although the sum of £5/6/ was realised. Mr. Crogan has been in charge of Vulcan school since the opening three years ago and has just received word of his transfer to Toogong, near Cudal3 .


3 March 1927

Teacher wanted

Vulcan School. The Hon. W. F. Dunn, M.L.A.. has received a communication in the following terms from the Minister for Education in response to representations which he recently made relative to the provision of a teacher for the school at Vulcan 'In reply to your personal representations regarding the provision of a teacher for the Vulcan School. Brogan's Creek, via Rylstone, I desire to inform you that when the teacher was withdrawn, the enrolment, as shown by the quarterly return forwarded was only 10. For the preceding 3 months, the attendance had not averaged the required minimum of 10 pupils, For this reason. Mr. Carter was withdrawn and sent to a school with a larger enrolment. In view of the representations now made, I have called for a further report on 'the matter, and shall have you advised in due course of the decision reacher4 .


1 Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative. ‘CAPERTEE.’ 21 April 1921. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155654172.
2 Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative. ‘Festivities at Brogan’s Creek.’ 23 February 1922. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155649754.
3 Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative. ‘Local News.’ 2 October 1924. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156056246.
4 Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative. ‘Local News.’ 3 March 1927. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155925843.

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