Ilford House


18 June 1917
Samuel Harris Conveyance to John Neale Taylor (Junr) Book 1109 No 165 Co Roxburgh Psh Unnamed at Dabee Flat nr Keen's Swamp 40a & also ss afsd on Tabrabucka Creek 40a (ex rd) (Readford's Grts) also at Keen's Swamp 5a 30p por 29 & 5a 2r por 31 also sd Co at Ilford 1a pt 5a 4p Harris' Grt bd by Tabrabucka Crk & Mudgee & Sydney Rds for £187.

11 June 1917
Sale of Ilford Property Mr. Samuel Harris, of Ilford House, who was in Mudgce on Tuesday, has disposed of his property and stock, comprising 800 acres of land, and sheep, cattle, and horses, to Mr. J. N. Taylor, of Ariah Park, near Temora. The purchaser is a son of the late William Harris' eldest daughter, and the sale was a cash transaction on the walk-in-walk-out principle. Mr Harris' father, the late William Harris, arrived at Ilford (then called Keen's Swamp) in the year 1837, and the property has been in the possession of the Harris family for close on a century. The family was responsible for the name being changed from Keen's Swamp to Ilford on account of the late William Harris coming from a village of that name in Essex, England. Mr. Samuel Harris has resided at Ilford House, on and off, during the past 57 years, and is now going to reside with his family in North Sydney1 .


1 Sale of Ilford Property (1917, June 11). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative, p. 4. Retrieved January 1, 2023, from

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