
Blackett's Poultry Farm


24 October 1912
Mr. V. Blackett is having a large and well-bottomed dam put on his property at Nash's Flat. 'Vic.' intends to erect a windmill on the dam, and go in extensively for poultry-breeding. He is an enthusiast in poultry, and we predict that he will make the venture a great success. While in Sydney recently he visited the famous Ellis poultry farm and absorbed the latest ideas in poultry breeding. He has bought four incubators, and has put in a batch of over 600 eggs. He is going to keep something like 4000 fowls on his farm, and intends to run it on the latest up-to-date lines. His principal object is to cater for the demand for eggs, but, of course, he wilI have plenty of poultry to sell during Christmas and other seasons when prices are high. We congratulate our young friend on his energy and initiative, and predict that he will do well1 .


1 BIG POULTRY FARM. (1912, October 24). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 23. Retrieved April 29, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article157754810

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