
Bartlett's Denison Street Poultry Farm


4 July 1918
A visit to the poultry farm of Mr. E. Bartlett, at the corner of Lawson and Denison Streets, Mudgee, affords one much interest. This farm has only been in existence about 12 months, but the visitor cannot but help being struck by the progress made. The farm is run on similar lines to the semi-intensive principle laid down by the Government poultry expert, and the wisdom of this principle is at once apparent where a large numbers of birds are kept in restricted areas. Mr. Bartlett's farm is right up-to-date. The yards are well laid out and suitable runs made for the birds. Up-to-date houses, well ventilated, with concrete floors, movable perches, laying boxes, etc., have been erected. Thus right in the town can be seen a poultry yard run on modern methods. Disease is a stranger here, and one is at once struck on arrival at the yard with the healthy appearance of the birds. Just now incubating is in full swing, and the writer was much interested in the hot water system installed in a brooding-house for producing heat for rearing chickens. This system is run at a minimum of cost, and regular heat is maintained. From the hearty appearance of the chicks, it is apparent that the scheme is a success. A visit of anyone interested in poultry to this farm would be time well spent. Just now the proprietor is inundated with orders from all parts of the district for settings from his pens, and these can be secured at 7/6 per setting of 15 eggs. with a guarantee of satisfaction. This year he has penned Black Orpingtons (A. G. Greenwood and Kenway strains), White Leghorns (Padman, HammiII and Hawkesbury College strains), also Brown Leghorns and Silver Wyandottes. Last, but not least interesting were the yard of Black Orpington and White Leghorn cockerels ready for this year's penning, which can be secured for 10/ each1 .


1 MR. E. BARTLETT. (1918, July 4). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved May 1, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156992656

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